Source code for lal_cuda._internal.project

"""This module provides a `project` class for polling the meta data describing a
gbpBuild project."""
import shutil
import filecmp
import os
import sys
import importlib
import json

# Infer the name of this package from the path of __file__
package_parent_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
package_root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
package_name = os.path.basename(package_root_dir)

# Make sure that what's in this path takes precedence
# over an installed version of the project
sys.path.insert(0, package_parent_dir)

# Import the current package
this_pkg = importlib.import_module(package_name)

# Import the internal package-helper package
_internal = importlib.import_module(package_name + '._internal')
_pkg = importlib.import_module(package_name + '._internal.package')

[docs]class project: """This class provides a project object, storing project parameters which describe a gbpBuild project.""" def __init__(self, path_call): """Generate an instance of the `project` class. :param path_call: this needs to be the FULL (i.e. absolute) path to a file or directory living somewhere in the package """ # Store the path_call self.path_call = path_call # Assume this filename for the project file self.filename_project_filename = '.project.json' self.filename_auxiliary_filename = '.project_aux.json' # First, assume that path we have been passed is a package directory and look for # '' as the place where the project files should be. path_project_file = this_pkg.find_in_parent_path(self.path_call, '', check=False) if(path_project_file is not None): self.filename_project_file = os.path.join(path_project_file, self.filename_project_filename) self.filename_auxiliary_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( self.filename_project_file), self.filename_auxiliary_filename)) # ... else, scan for the project's copy. Fail if not found. else: path_project_file = this_pkg.find_in_parent_path(self.path_call, self.filename_project_filename) self.filename_project_file = '' self.filename_auxiliary_file = '' # Determine if we are in a project repository. Set to None if not. self.path_project_root = None self.filename_project_file_source = None path_project_root_test = this_pkg.find_in_parent_path(self.path_call, '.git', check=False) if(not path_project_root_test): this_pkg.log.comment("Installed environment will be assumed.") # If we have found a repo, check that there is a .project.json file. Fail if not. else: try: if(not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_project_root_test, self.filename_project_filename))): raise Exception("No project file found.") else: self.path_project_root = path_project_root_test self.filename_project_file_source = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.path_project_root, self.filename_project_filename)) except BaseException: this_pkg.log.error("Fatal error.") # Read the project file with open_project_file(self) as file_in: self.params = file_in.load() # Load meta data of Python packages self.packages = [] for package_name in self.params['python_packages']: package_setup_py = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.params['dir_python'], package_name, '')) self.packages.append(_pkg.package(os.path.abspath(package_setup_py)))
[docs] def add_packages_to_path(self): """Import all the python packages belonging to this project. :return: None """ dir_file = os.path.abspath(self.path_project_root) count = 0 for (directory, directories, filenames) in os.walk(dir_file): for filename in filenames: # Exclude gbpBuild (load it independently) for the case # that we're running this within that package. if(filename == ""): path_package = os.path.abspath(directory) sys.path.insert(0, path_package) count += 1 break return count
def __str__(self): """Convert dictionary of project parameters to a string. :return: string """ result = "Project information:\n" result += "--------------------\n" for k, v in sorted(self.params.items()): result += ' ' + k + " = " + str(v) + '\n' return result
[docs]class project_file(): """Class for reading and writing project .json files. Intended to be used with the `open_project_file` context manager. """ def __init__(self, project): """Create an instance of the `project_file` class. :param project: An instance of the `project` class """ # Keep a record of inputs self.project = project # File pointer self.fp_prj = None self.fp_aux = None # Update the project file self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """Update the project file stored in a Python package's path. This needs to be done because when the package is installed in a virtual environment, for example, the directory structure that the path is sitting in could be anywhere, and access to the original project .json file can not be assured. Hence, we make sure that every package has it's own up-to-date copy. :return: None """ # Check if we are inside a project repository... if(self.project.path_project_root): # ... if so, update the package's copy of the project file. This is needed because if # this is being run from an installed package, then there is no access to files outside # of the package, and we need to work with an up-to-date copy instead."Validating package's project files...") try: flag_update = False if(not os.path.isfile(self.project.filename_project_file)): flag_update = True elif(not filecmp.cmp(self.project.filename_project_file_source, self.project.filename_project_file)): flag_update = True if(flag_update): # Make a copy of the project file shutil.copy2(self.project.filename_project_file_source, self.project.filename_project_file) this_pkg.log.close("Updated.") else: this_pkg.log.close("Up-to-date.") except BaseException: this_pkg.log.error("Could not update package's project file.") # Create a dictionary of a bunch of auxiliary project information # Set some project directories aux_params = [] aux_params.append({'dir_docs': os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.project.path_project_root, "docs"))}) aux_params.append({'dir_docs_api_src': os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.project.path_project_root, "docs/src"))}) aux_params.append({'dir_docs_build': os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.project.path_project_root, "docs/_build"))}) aux_params.append({'dir_python': os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.project.path_project_root, "python"))}) # Get a list of python packages python_path = aux_params[-1]['dir_python'] python_path_dirs = os.listdir(python_path) python_pkgs = [] for python_path_dir_i in python_path_dirs: if(python_path_dir_i != 'build' and python_path_dir_i != '_build'): python_pkgs.append(python_path_dir_i) aux_params.append({'python_packages': python_pkgs}) # Check if this is a C-project (the appropriate makefile will be present if so) if(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.project.path_project_root, ".Makefile-c"))): aux_params.append({'is_C_project': True}) else: aux_params.append({'is_C_project': False}) # Check if this is a Python-project (the appropriate makefile will be present if so) if(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.project.path_project_root, ".Makefile-py"))): aux_params.append({'is_Python_project': True}) else: aux_params.append({'is_Python_project': False}) # Extract version & release from .version file. try: with open("%s/.version" % (self.project.path_project_root), "r") as fp_in: version_string_source = str(fp_in.readline()).strip('\n') aux_params.append({'version': version_string_source}) except BaseException: this_pkg.log.comment("Project '.version' file not found. Setting version='unset'") aux_params.append({'version': 'unset'}) # TODO: Need to split version from release. aux_params.append({'release': version_string_source}) # Write auxiliary parameters file with open(self.project.filename_auxiliary_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(aux_params, outfile, indent=3)
[docs] def open(self): """Open the project .json file. Intended to be accessed through the `open_project_file` class using a `with` block. :return: None """ try: self.fp_prj = open(self.project.filename_project_file) self.fp_aux = open(self.project.filename_auxiliary_file) except BaseException: this_pkg.log.error("Could not open project file {%s}." % (self.project.filename)) raise
[docs] def close(self): """Close the project .json file. :return: None """ try: if(self.fp_prj is not None): self.fp_prj.close() if(self.fp_aux is not None): self.fp_aux.close() except BaseException: this_pkg.log.error("Could not close project file {%s}." % (self.project.filename)) raise
[docs] def load(self): """Load the project .json file. :return: None """ params_list = [] params_list.extend(json.load(self.fp_prj, object_hook=_internal.ascii_encode_dict)) params_list.extend(json.load(self.fp_aux, object_hook=_internal.ascii_encode_dict)) try: # Add a few extra things params_list.extend([{'path_project_root': self.project.path_project_root}]) except BaseException: this_pkg.log.error("Could not load project file {%s}." % (self.project.filename)) raise finally: return {k: v for d in params_list for k, v in d.items()}
[docs]class open_project_file: """Context manager for reading a project .json files. Intended for use with a `with` block. """ def __init__(self, project): """Create an instance of the `open_project_file` context manager. :param project: An instance of the `project` class. """ self.project = project def __enter__(self): """Open the project .json file when entering the context. :return: file pointer """ # Open the package's copy of the file"Opening project...") try: self.file_in = project_file(self.project) except BaseException: this_pkg.log.error("Could not open project file.") raise finally: this_pkg.log.close("Done.") return self.file_in def __exit__(self, *exc): """Close the project .json file when exiting the context. :param exc: Context expression arguments. :return: False """ if(self.file_in): self.file_in.close() return False