lal_cuda Executables


This script either generates (default) or plots (by adding the option: –filename_plot) an MCMC chain describing the posterior probability of a model (generated from LALSuite; see below) fit to a two-file dataset (given by the optional positional arguments; a default dataset stored with the package is used by default, if no positional arguments are given).

The model is generated with the call:


which calls the C-function XLALSimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence. That function then calls PhenomPCore which in-turn calls PhenomPCoreOneFrequency.

PhenomPCore_mcmc [OPTIONS] [DATA_FILES]...


--filename_plot <filename_plot>

Specify a chain file to plot.

--filename_out <filename_out>

Specify a file name for chain output.

--n_walkers <n_walkers>

Specify the number of emcee walkers to use. [default: 100]

--n_steps <n_steps>

Specify the number of emcee steps to take [default: 2000]

--freqs_range <freqs_range>

Specify the frequency range of the fit as MIN MAX.

--use_buffer, --no-use_buffer

Use a buffer for acceleration. [default: True]

--n_streams <n_streams>

Number of asynchronous streams [default: 0]

--legacy, --no-legacy

Specify this option if a legacy version of LALSuite (without buffer support) is being used. [default: False]



Optional argument(s)


This script calls a higher-level function in LALSuite. The output is two binary arrays corresponding to the two outputs hp_val, hc_val from PhenomPCore.

The outputs are arrays of complex numbers; one for each frequency bin.

The call:


calls the C-function XLALSimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence. That function then calls PhenomPCore which in-turn calls PhenomPCoreOneFrequency.

PhenomPCore [OPTIONS]


--flow <flow>

Minimum frequency [default: 20]

--fhigh <fhigh>

Maximum frequency [default: 100]

--n_freq <n_freq>

Number of frequencies [default: 81]

--write2stdout, --no-write2stdout

Write to standard out? [default: True]

--write2bin, --no-write2bin

Write to binary files? [default: False]

--check, --no-check

Check result against stored results for standard parameter sets (if a match is detected). [default: False]

--timing <timing>

Run in timing mode (all previous parameters are ignored). Specify run as FREQ_MIN FREQ_MAX N_FREQ N_AVG.

--chi1 <chi1>

Model parameter: chi1 [default: 0.1]

--chi2 <chi2>

Model parameter: chi2 [default: 0.2]

--m1 <m1>

Model parameter: m1 [default: 30]

--m2 <m2>

Model parameter: m2 [default: 30]

--chip <chip>

Model parameter: chip [default: 0.34]

--thetaJ <thetaj>

Model parameter: thetaJ [default: 1.1]

--alpha0 <alpha0>

Model parameter: alpha0 [default: 1.5]

--distance <distance>

Model parameter: distance [default: 1000]

--phic <phic>

Model parameter: phic [default: 1.2566370614359172]

--fref <fref>

Model parameter: fref [default: 30]

--use_buffer, --no-use_buffer

Use a buffer for acceleration. [default: True]

--n_streams <n_streams>

Number of asynchronous streams. [default: 0]

--legacy, --no-legacy

Specify this option if a legacy version of LALSuite (without buffer support) is being used. [default: False]


Print the dictionary of project parameters stored in the project (.project.yml) and package (.package.yml) files.

lal_cuda_info [OPTIONS]